Desass v7.1 Software

DESASS (Design and Simulation of Activated Sludge Systems) is a WWTP simulator configured under Windows, basically focused on staff training and educational purposes.
In the design of DESASS particular emphasis has been placed on the speed of calculation, graphic presentation and easy handling. The program has implemented an extended version of the general biological model BNRM2 developed by CALAGUA UV-UPV. This model incorporates the main physical, chemical and biological processes that take place in a WWTP.
In this way, DESASS allows to simulate, among others: primary decanters, primary sludge fermenters, activated sludge systems with aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic reactors, secondary decanters, sludge thickeners, aerobic and anaerobic digesters, aerobic and anaerobic membrane reactors, sludge dehydration systems, as well as BABE and SHARON reactors and the aeration system. The program allows plant operators to analyze by simulation the operation of the WWTP in the event of changes in the characteristics of the inlet water or changes in operating conditions.
The program is currently being used by numerous administrations and companies in the water treatment sector, as well as by various Spanish universities for the training of their students.
Applicant: Universitat Politècnica de València
Inventors: José Ferrer; Aurora Seco; Josep Ribes; Joaquín Serralta; Enrique Asensi; Maria Victoria Ruano; Ramón Barat; Daniel Aguado; Emérita Jiménez; Freddy Durán; Ángel Robles
Priority: Spain, 2014
Used by: Entidad Pública de Saneamiento de Aguas Residuales (EPSAR)