Cookies policy

The Research Institue of Water and Environmental Engineering uses cookies on its website. Cookies facilitate browsing, and in many cases are essential for some services offered by the portal to be available.

What are cookies

Cookies are small data files used to record certain browsing interactions. These files are stored on the user’s computer and contain anonymous data that can be updated and retrieved in the future and are not harmful to the computer. They are used to remember user preferences such as the selected language, access data or personalization of the page.

Cookies may also be used to collect anonymous information about how a visitor navigates a website. For example, from which Web page you have accessed, or if you have used an advertising banner to get there.

What kind of cookies does the IIAMA use?

According to its purpose:
  • Technical cookies: These are essential, strictly necessary for the proper functioning of a Web portal, the different navigation options and the services offered. This group includes those used to maintain the session, response time management, performance or validation of options, the use of security elements, the publication of shared content on social networks, etc.
  • Customization cookies: These files allow the user to specify or customize some features of the general options of the Web page. For example, define the language, a regional configuration or the type of browser.
  • Analytical cookies: Analytical cookies are those used by the website to create browsing profiles and learn user preferences in order to improve the offer of products and services. Specifically, those that allow us to observe which geographical areas are of most interest to a user, which product has the most acceptance, etc.
According to term:
  • Session Cookies: These are those that are active while the user is browsing the Web page and are deleted at the end.
  • Persistent cookies: These cookies are stored for a time in the user’s terminal, so that they allow the chosen preferences to be maintained without having to repeat certain parameters each time the website is visited.

What happens if the user does not accept the authorization of cookies?

If the user continues browsing the website without expressly rejecting the cookie policy, it will be understood tacitly that they have accepted their use.

If, on the contrary, the visitor rejects or deletes the navigation cookies, it will not be possible to maintain their preferences on the IIAMA website, some features of the pages will not be operative, they will not be offered some personalized services and you will be asked for your authorization for the use of cookies each time you access this site.

If, even so, the user decides to modify the configuration of access to the Web page, he must know that at any time you can delete cookies or prevent this information from being recorded on your computer, by rectifying your browser preferences.